Thursday, March 26, 2020

Cincinnati Tutoring Jobs Age 13 - Why They Are So Important

Cincinnati Tutoring Jobs Age 13 - Why They Are So ImportantOne of the many Cincinnati tutoring jobs age 13 is, of course, helping kids with their homework. It does not matter what grade a child is in, teaching him or her can be a very rewarding experience. There are many Cincinnati tutoring jobs age 13 available to those interested. Many of them are available at the same time, which means they are perfect for parents who have more than one child.Many teachers and parents, though they may not realize it, actually find themselves busy more often than ever. These are the students in need of a little extra help. Teaching a child one lesson one day, but then having to teach them a second lesson two days later can be very tiring.Having a special education teacher that focuses on an age range they are familiar with will help many students to focus and learn at their own pace. A school setting can be extremely stressful on children, especially when it involves math or language arts. The abil ity to rest on a regular basis, relax and come to school, help these children feel calmer and better able to handle the day.Taking advantage of Cincinnati tutoring jobs age 13 can mean a more comfortable, less rushed learning environment for students. Without the stress of trying to fit lessons into the schedule, students are more likely to learn the material, and can quickly learn new concepts if required. This can help them feel more comfortable when faced with new questions.Teaching a child in a classroom can be overwhelming, especially if they are constantly moving from one subject to another. Having a tutor available to help them, who can continue to focus on a particular lesson, gives the student a sense of control. Being able to pick and choose their own lesson plan, or the teacher's, allows them to have some input, and control over their learning environment.An essential part of any good classroom is a family atmosphere. A parent is always there, and when the parent is aroun d, the child feels more like part of the family. The parent can assist with homework, or homework help, to help kids feel more comfortable. A student is less likely to feel left out, especially if they are feeling welcomed.While all of these reasons are important, Cincinnati tutoring jobs age 13 is most important. Parents should always consider their needs, as well as their children's needs, and find the best option for the right price. Regardless of the grade, all Cincinnati tutoring jobs age 13 are a great way to create a happy learning environment for students.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Learning Accounting Sows the Seeds of Responsibility

Learning Accounting Sows the Seeds of Responsibility Learning Accounting is a subject that gives you tons of money and miles of experience in your career. Any accountant possesses a bachelor’s degree. It upgrades his skills in the subject every now and then through up-to-date certifications for lucrative job prospects. Doing CPA and CISA is adding to the qualification of an accountant for more career opportunities. Duties of accountants in their career! Accountants have major portfolios of business transactions on hand. They are required to perform duties such as examining related records, preparing financial reports, completing tax returns, and consolidating accounts. They play a major role in evaluating the financial condition. It plays major role in part of a business or organization through records and reports. They are expected to apprise the management or practitioner of any important event. This may affect the organization in the future through their analysis and evaluation. Learning Accounting A Serious Job Learning accounting is not just for filling columns. It is also for students that they should have an awareness of their major deals in doing the subject with forecasts of their future responsibilities. Responsibilities as employees in any prestigious business organization. For, accounting is a very important event in a business organization whose prospects depend primarily. It also depends on informed decisions that are based on the recommendations of an accountant. Online Accounting Tutors train students in their key roles as accountants. This also helps them get into the crux of Accounting concepts with in-depth knowledge. This prepare themselves for the serious responsibilities they need to shoulder in future. They showcase the underlying threads of connection in Learning Accounting concepts through proper real life examples for the benefit of students. Accounting homework help An essential need for acing the subject Tutors help reinforce your subject skills while you are doing accounting. Having a problem with a tutor is easy as they show you how to face the problem and manage time to complete it in the exam. Help from accounting homework online sites makes things easy and comfortable for you with basic insights about the topics involved. Accounting Learners! Kind Attention to These Tips Please Students complain that the course is tough and they need to invest much of time in solving problems and tallying balance sheets.   Your kind attention, Accounting learners! Here are a few tips for you to minimize your struggles and maximize your ease in Learning Accounting on your own. Try to look at Accounting as a technical language. It has its set rules, specific terms, methods and approaches for students to follow. Think in Accounting terms. First, understand those terms and you can even memorize them for keeping them on your finger tips. For, without the basic knowledge of those terms, you cannot prepare a profit and loss statement, an income report or a balance sheet. Use logic and analytical reasoning to approach Accounting problems. For, all these problems require you to use your brain with a sharp focus on numbers, figures and the way they are incorporated in columns for bringing out answers. Understand that Accounting has a set of rules which you are to fit into concepts you learn. Try to understand the underlying threads of connection among the concepts.  So as to arrive at conclusions and decisions without ambiguity. Online Accounting Tutors help you learn Accounting topics without room for confusion. It is very easy to  solving Accounting problems when tutors train you in methods. Try Accounting homework solutions with online tutors Accounting is a threatening one for many students when they are not sure of the basic principles of the subject. Online Accounting Homework Help from experienced tutors is the real help for such students. When they struggle with problem solving, producing financial reports, understanding concepts in-depth and many such tasks in Accounting homework. For better results and clear insights in topics try Accounting help online.

Should I Go to The University of Oklahoma

Should I Go to The University of Oklahoma The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teachtheyre sharing their college experiences as well. Jeff graduated from The University of Oklahoma in 2013 with a bachelors degree in petroleum engineering. He specializes in GMAT tutoring, math tutoring, and science tutoring, among other areas. Check out what he had to say about being a student at The University of Oklahoma: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Jeff: The University of Oklahoma campus is in the heart of Norman, Oklahoma, just outside of Oklahoma City. The campus is densely packed with beautiful buildings, foliage, and art. It is easy to get almost everywhere on campus by walking or biking. If you have to commute to campus, there are parking and shuttles available as well. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants at The University of Oklahoma? Jeff: It depends on the subject. The freshman-level courses are large, and it can be difficult to have a good relationship with your professor. However, the higher-level courses that are more specific to ones major are much smaller and the professors of these courses are generally more available for each student. How would you describe the dorm liferooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Jeff: There are several great dorms at OU that all have dining facilities located within them. There are cafeterias and fast food restaurants within the student union as well, including Canes, Wendys, Chick-fil-a, and Quiznos. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Jeff: I studied Petroleum Engineering because Petroleum Engineers were in high demand after I graduated from high school. Petroleum Engineering is one of the best degrees that OU offers. OU also has excellent engineering, business, and meteorology programs. OU supported Petroleum Engineering quite a bit while I was a student there. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Jeff: I would say Greek life is fairly big at OU and one of the best ways to meet other people, but there are plenty of other social groups on campus. I pledged a fraternity my sophomore year after having a pretty boring freshman experience; you dont have to go Greek to meet other people or find things to do at OU, but it certainly helps. How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services? Jeff: Hundreds of excellent companies recruit through the Career Center at OU. The Career Center offers a lot of support for students looking for internships and full-time employment, and all of my employment offers came through the Career Center. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges at The University of Oklahoma? Jeff: The Bizzell Library can be a bit crowded, but is usually a great study location. There are several smaller libraries located on campus that are also excellent study locations. My personal preference was the library at the Sarkeys energy center. Describe the surrounding town. Jeff: Norman, Oklahoma, is the epitome of a college town. The whole city revolves around the university and the campus. There are several great restaurants in the city with most of them located at Campus Corner, just across the street from the campus. Norman is also a short commute from Oklahoma City. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Jeff: The student body at OU is quite large. The class sizes can be overwhelming at times for freshmen, but the class sizes generally shrink as the classes get more and more specific to ones major. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Jeff: Id say that the best classes I had at OU were the ones where I was challenged to lead and to think outside of the box rather than just memorize information. The same can be said for the best professors I had at OU. My best experience at OU was my involvement with the Center for the Creation of Economic Wealth (or CCEW). CCEW is an economic development organization at the University of Oklahoma specializing in technology commercialization, software business development, social entrepreneurship, and agile product design. In my opinion, CCEW is the premier extracurricular organization at OU. Check out Jeffs tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Listening Exercise Imaginary Worlds

Listening Exercise Imaginary Worlds Todays class is about stereotypes, books and imaginary worlds. Books are a source of inspiration for many people-for making our own imaginary visions of the world, whilst improving our knowledge so we become more aware of stereotypes. Stereotypes are an idea about a person or type of person (for example a nationality- look at this blog post), that is often incorrect.For example, a stereotype about someone from America could be that they have a big house surrounded by  a white-picket fence, with a large pick-up truck in their garage. You can see that this is a very oversimplified image of American people-not everyone has a big house and truck. What about your country? Are there any stereotypes about people from youre home town? Wed love to hear them in the comment section below!Lets get started with todays listening activity. We are going to listen to a famous author from Nigeria, Chimamanda Adichie. Listen to the video below and see if you can complete the sentences with the missing word to strengthen your listening skills.?One of the _________  I was struck by when I first came to America was how little the _______  American knew about the world that I had came from. My roommates  (were) saying to me “What kind of music do you listen to in Africa? Tribal?”Question #1 used the phrase  struck by-  meaning something that hit you as being unusual, interesting or impressive. Lets try and complete a sentence with  struck by: When I went to ___________ (country/place) I was  struck  by _____________(something or someone that surprised/interested you).Africa was a place so strange, so different, it’s always Africa as a place of want, and I didn’t understand that. So I said, “Yes, we listen to tribal music like __________!”Do you think the answer to question #3 is tribal music? Wed love to hear what kind of music you thing could be classed as  tribal music- but be careful not to use  stereotypes!In my real life I ate ________, in my imaginary life I ate ___ ___. In my real life we had _______  ______, the ____  season and the _______  season. And we always had sun. But in my imaginary world in the books I read, there was such a thing as _____  and _______!If you had an imaginary world what would fun things would be in it? Write your ideas in the comment section so we can compare our imaginations!Lets look at this part of the listening exercise (from 1:30 onwards):For complex reasons, that have to do with power and resources, there just are not as many children’s books that are about African realities as there are about American/ Western realities. And many African realities are still being told by other people. These Africans are somehow behind in the sort of evolutionary skill. I want African realities to be explored by Africans.Can you see the word  realities? This means things that actually happen, something that is experienced or seen. Can you tell us about something that is happening in your country right now? Who are the best authors in your country that explain the current  realities?Thats it for todays blog post. I hope you enjoyed it! Wed love to see you soon for a class with LOI English and  help you further improve your skills. Click here to book a free 25 minute class now!

Follow These Three Steps for Basic LSAT Logical Reasoning Questions

Follow These Three Steps for Basic LSAT Logical Reasoning Questions LSAT Law School Blog While the LSAT Logical Reasoning section may seem to have an infinite number of potential scenarios and prompts, the vast majority of the problems found in the section follow basic rules governing argumentation that date back to the time of the Roman Empire. The key to succeeding on this section is following some consistent basic steps that will allow you to understand first what the question is asking you to do, second what the conclusion of the argument is, and lastly to predict what the answer should do to appropriately address the question task. This skill is the subject of today’s video tutorial with our Director of Online Tutoring â€" Stefan Maisnier. Would you have approached this problem previously? Did this demonstration encourage you to consider a different order of tasks than you may have previously used in your own LSAT prep? Obviously, there are myriad more targeted tactics and techniques that can be used for all of the question types found in Logical Reasoning or the other sections of the LSAT as well. Please reach out to our experts today if you have needs that go beyond the basics that were illustrated in the video to discover if MyGuru in-person and online LSAT tutoring can help identify even more different ways to solve all of the challenging problems that the test offers! About the Author Stefan Maisnier is the Director of Online Tutoring at MyGuru, and sometimes contemplates why so few students seem to prioritize study for the Reading Comprehension section of the LSAT while gazing wistfully at his Masters of Science in Journalism diploma from Northwestern University.

Back to school survival guide for parents Part 2

Back to school survival guide for parents Part 2 Back to school survival guide for parents Part 2: Helping kids stay organized As kids transition back to the first few weeks of the school year, they may need some help to stay organized. Organization is something that is learned over time and is a challenge at any age, but younger students often need more encouragement. As kids get older and begin to take on more responsibility, they’ll likely discover that being organized can make their life easier. Organized students are less likely to miss a deadline or forget about something last minute. They are also more liable to have lower stress levels and build confidence over time. Although each learner is an individual, there are a few things parents can do to help their kids stay on task and have excellent time management (READ: Back to School Survival Guide for Parents Part 1). 1. An organized work desk and binder Almost every young student has trouble keeping their room clean, and this includes the desk where they complete their homework assignments. The more organized a kid’s desk is, the easier it will be to find assignment sheets and study notes that will help them with their homework. Many younger students also still use a binder, but those binders tend to get clogged up with old assignments and out-of-date notes pretty quickly. Ideally, kids can go through their binder once a month and take out anything thats no longer relevant to current school assignments. They can be filed away for later if kids need them to study for a final exam. 2. Coordinating between electronics and pencil and paper Electronic organizers, tablets, and laptops can make students’ lives a ton easier these days. Kids can keep an electronic calendar or set up a reminder system that helps them get things done. However, some kids are not 100% comfortable with how to use technology effectively or how to organize it in a helpful way. Also, many students forget that they wrote one thing down on their tablet and another thing down on an actual piece of paper. It’s beneficial for students to have a system where everything is organized in one place or if they are aware of which things are on paper and which are stored electronically. 3. Bring assignments home from school Kids have forgotten their textbooks and assignments at school for generations. These days, parents and kids can access most information through the schools online forum including chapters from the textbook and notes from the teacher. If they forget something at school, they can now access it at home and get started on their assignments straight away. 4. Communication with the teacher or Irvine private Tutor Classroom teachers and one-on-one tutors can be helpful when it comes to additional information. Teachers are the primary source of knowledge and will recognize learning patterns in a student almost right away. If a student is working with a tutor on a regular basis, they’ll know which subjects the student struggles with and which ones they excel at. They’ll also know when a student needs extra help with organization or time management. 5. A quiet place to work There are so many distractions these days that sometimes kids just need an extra quiet place to work. If possible, they can have a study desk in their room where they can shut out noise from the rest of the household. Alternatively, they may be able to reserve a ‘quiet room’ at the library where they can work solo or in a small group without outside distractions. Although it can be fun for older students to study at a coffee shop or a friends house, they may find it easier to stay organized in a more peaceful environment where they can gear their full concentration on the task at hand. Dont wait until your child starts falling behind in his/her classes before booking an Irvine private   academic tutor. From science to test prep, our Tutors are here to help. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Learning a Language 8 Fun Flashcard Apps to Improve Your Vocabulary

Learning a Language 8 Fun Flashcard Apps to Improve Your Vocabulary 8 Fun Flashcard Apps to Improve Your Vocabulary Let’s take a walk down memory lane…To chalkboards, erasers, textbooks and…flashcards!Remember flashcards? Those tidbits of information that we carried around on index cards? We all know ‘em! And we all used ‘em!You may think theyre “old school,” but theyre still aroundâ€"and they’re neither dull nor dated. No, today’s flashcards are new and improvedâ€"definitely not your Granny’s relics!The amazing thing about today’s flashcards is that they’re available right from your phone with the help of some cool apps!  Flashcards are wildly beneficialâ€"only now there’s no large bundle of cards to carry around while you hope the rubber band doesn’t snap in your hand!Language flashcard apps really are a language learner’s best friendâ€"they’re always by your side and always ready to play.Let’s check some out! Why Use Flashcard Apps for Language Learning?The biggest reason to use flashcard apps for language learning is a simple one: They work! When you were a kid in school, flashcards brought the finer points of all core subjects (math, history, geography) into a tidy bundle that you could work with and memorize.Language apps do the same thingâ€"except they focus on a target language! They’re designed for fast learning  by presenting bites of information that are easily memorized.An added perk? They’re fun to use!Growing vocabulary is a snap with flashcards  since they incorporate spaced repetition, which essentially means reviewing information at certain intervals. Since vocabulary is key to all aspects of language, flashcard apps are an excellent addition to any language program.Flashcard apps are always on hand, fill up small, otherwise wasted chunks of time with solid language practice and offer on-the-fly learning. What’s not to love?To get you started, here are eight top flashcard apps to take your vocabulary to the next level!8 Fun Flashcard Apps to Improve Your VocabularyFluentUiOS /  AndroidFluentU’s flashcard features b ring a ton of options to language learners.The curated video clips that are the heart of the language program provide the vocabulary for FluentUs flashcards. Since the material comes from authentic music videos, inspiring talks, movie trailers and news from around the globe, the vocabulary is diverse, relevant and timely.It’s real-world, culturally engaging learning that enhances any language learning program.Vocabulary is compiled into sets that are generated from the video content. Sets can also be created by users who send words to their own card collections, which ensures that content is tailored to individual needs. To do this, you simply click on a video, scroll down to the vocabulary tab and choose the words you want to addâ€"its that simple!What makes FluentU extra special is that the program uses a complex spaced repetition system thats based on an altered version of the SM2 SuperMemo algorithm, ensuring that your flashcards are presented to you in the optimal order and a t appropriate intervals for best continued practice and memorization.For moments when you dont have internet access, simply download the flashcards ahead of time to continue learning offline.FluentU is much more than a flashcard app.  The interactive programâ€"because you choose what to see and how to learnâ€"brings language immersion to learners. No passport required!Amazing vocabulary and grammar tutorials use authentic content to bring learning alive. The program also uses interactive captions; tap on any word to see an image, definition, audio and vocabulary example. It truly is real-life language learning at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere!LingvistiOS / AndroidLooking to enhance your core vocabulary? Lingvist has you covered!Using the Lingvist app is a straightforward method to increase vocabulary in a target language. There are no bells or whistles to this app, but it’s a solid option that is beneficial to any language program. The how-to features are clear and uncomplica ted so users can easily navigate through all areas of the app.Flashcards feature example sentences so learners can see words and phrases used in context. Also, there are audio pronunciations which help learners effectively model speaking practice.Tracking progress is also streamlined. The graphics clearly show where you’ve been and how quickly you’re moving ahead. Placement tests help measure progress.A bonus to the flashcard functionality? Lingvist provides some limited information on word forms and grammar.DropsiOS / AndroidDrops adds a gaming feel to using flashcards for language learning. The screens are bright and the illustrations are fun.Several languages are offered, including some that aren’t always easy to locate study material for, like Icelandic, Maori, Samoan and Vietnamese.The app offers more than flashcards. The learning program itself is broken into 5-minute learning sessions, which the developers believe encourage users to tap inâ€"after all, everyone has five minutes to spare so the “lack of time” excuse that’s so common is eliminated!The program is also  fully visual. Words and phrases are illustrated so theres never any confusion about what a vocabulary word means. Learners see it!Theres also no keyboarding with this app; its all swipes and taps to get the job done. Wonderfully engaging, this is an exciting way to acquire a language.You may try this one for the flashcardsâ€"which are super!â€"and fall for some of the other energizing features, too!RejiiOSReji is a vocabulary-building app that offers material for 48 languages.It actually uses words from other sources, like movies, articles, books or language classes, for flashcard use. Learners convert their files to Reji decks and use the customized decks in their language programs. It’s a simple process and ensures that relevant words are memorized!This app also has some fantastic additional features, so it’s more than just a flashcard app. For example, theres a  learn mode that offers pronunciation and spelling practice, as well as other learning options.Reji also eliminates the need for a translation app; easily  look up unfamiliar words to see definitions and images!While Reji isnt currently available for Android, a compatible app is in the works. Sign up directly on their site to be notified when the Android app is ready!QuizletiOS / AndroidThis app gives learners tons of options for reaping the benefits of adding flashcards to a language program.Choose from the flashcards already available on the site or create your own sets.Either way, the flashcards are always available to fill up any extra downtime. Personally, this app has eliminated what feels like hundreds of hours sitting in waiting rooms and standing in long lines!Quizlet’s flashcards are fun to use. They turn vocabulary memorization into a game by showing learners how they’re progressingâ€"and for some of us, that brings out the drive to do better with each draw of the cards!There ar e lots of options for working with Quizlet’s language flashcards. Audio features provide the correct pronunciation of words and phrases. Game functions let learners test memorization skills. Learners can also play the game called “Match”â€"a beat-the-clock memory quiz!Flashcards can be shared with other language learners. Since this also works with words uploaded by individual learners, the potential for learning idioms, regional expressions and even unique phrases is excellent!TinycardsiOS / AndroidTinycards is the brainchild of the creators of Duolingo, the well-known language-learning program. Its similar to Duolingo in that its a snap to navigate and features a cheerful, engaging design.This flashcard app also pulls a lot of its vocabulary from the Duolingo program.If you’re already using Duolingo as part of a language program, Tinycards is an excellent method for reviewing vocabulary from it. And if you’ve never used Duolingo, that’s okay, too. These cards provide p lenty of vocabulary so learners can review or learn according to their needs!The flashcard decks highlight more than just vocabulary though. They offer pronunciation demonstrations and provide illustrations for words and phrases.The vocabulary is  divided into packs of cards, in sections devoted to various topics. Ace one pack and the next one unlocksâ€"it’s a super cool way to track your progress!BrainscapeiOS / AndroidThe Brainscape flashcard app really checks all the boxes on learning foreign language vocabulary quickly and easily. The app is formatted clearly and is so user-friendly that using it is an absolute pleasure.Learners are able to utilize the app’s flashcards or create their own. The material already gathered and available on the app comes from publishers and educators, as well as other learners.The flashcard decks are shareable  and users can work together to develop highly customized content. So if you’re part of a group planning a culinary tour across the glob e, you could collectively compile flashcards that feature food-related vocabulary!Learners can set goals, track progress, shuffle cards, choose specific deck categories to study and much more. This is an app that definitely enhances a language-learning program so well that I found myself looking forward to using it!CramiOS / AndroidThe Cram flashcard app is a versatile vocabulary-building tool that has enough options to keep learning fast and fun.There are multiple study modes  depending on whether you download the app for iOS or Android, so there’s a lot happening in this small app.Card mode brings up a full set of cards for review, while cram mode introduces spaced repetition into the flashcard decks. Memorize mode removes vocabulary that the learner is familiar with, showing only content that still needs to be mastered. Lastly, game mode brings a bit of gaming to learning vocabulary with flashcards!The app keeps track of flashcard decks that learners are currently using and sep arates them into self-created decks, favorite decks and the decks studied most often.All in all, this flashcard app is a great way to almost effortlessly get some extra vocabulary work into a language program.Flashcards? They’ve grown up, too. They’re not just for children  anymore.Flashcard apps are perfect for language learning at any age!Learning a new language should be entertaining, and flashcards are lots of fun. Download one or more of these apps to maximize learning time, enhance your core vocabulary and turn study time into playtime!